Saturday, June 8, 2013


We have learned a lot about coconuts since being in Fiji.  Every part of the coconut tree can be used in some way.  My host family made brooms (sasa) from the leaves.  You can make rope.  People use the leaves to cover their gardens etc.  People drink grog (kava) from coconut shells.  People start their fires with coconut shavings.  I use a coconut shell for a soap dish!  We have made coconut cream, virgin coconut oil and I want to make a coconut chutney.  Anything cooked in coconut cream is delicious!!!!
   Now there are a variety of types of coconuts.  The "Bu" is a green coconut.  When you open this you can have nourishing, refreshing coconut water.  This is better than a Diet coke!!!!  In fact, I think Coca Cola Co. is bottling this now and selling it in the States.  I wish I had thought of that!!!!!
There is "Niu" which is the familiar brown coconut which yields coconut cream/milk and is used to make the grated coconut.  There is a special tool we use to scrape the coconut to do this.
There is also the "Vara" which is a coconut that has started to sprout, creating a spongy substance that is kinda like cotton candy.  And there is the "Niuca" or the bad coconut which are stinky and often filled with maggots!!!!!
   We have many coconut trees, lemon trees, papaya trees in our yard.  They are beautiful against the sunsets and horizon.  We have watched kids climb the coconut tree.  Virgin coconut oil is good for cooking.  Lotions, creams and soaps are made from coconuts.  I use a coconut face cream now!!  Let's hear it for COCONUTS!!!

1 comment:

  1. There is "Niu" which is the familiar brown coconut which yields coconut cream/milk and is used to make the grated coconut...coconut water benefits
