Friday, October 5, 2012

 Our Peace Corps group consists of 25 very talented, educated people.  We love them all.
 Joe and Wasaki, our host "TaTa".
 Meke - tradition Fiji Dance
 Joe is carrying dalo from the farm.  Our home is behind the Community Hall.
 Drinking Kava....
"Auntie", our host Mom making an ibae for me to take to the next assignment.


  1. Great photos! Wonderful to finally see y'all over there and what it's like. Keep 'em coming! What an adventure and experience! We are so proud of you and Joe for stepping out into the Unknown and going where few would dare to go. We're with you every step of the way and can't wait to hear all the stories that go with the adventure.

  2. I am so glad to hear that you guys are doing well. I think of you often and wish you good health. I'll keep checking the blog to stay updated. Tell Joe hello.


  3. I'm so glad that we get to go on your adventure with you. Great pictures!
