Joe and I will always appreciate our life in Fiji. We certainly would not trade it in for any material thing. We have less but I think we enjoy more. Our lives are full of love, adventure and work we enjoy.
I really don't think it takes much to make most people happy. We want to live in a healthy environment, enjoy good physical, mental and spiritual health, have great relationships, have time for recreation and live in peace. Joe and I are adjusting to life in Fiji. We are walking, eating good foods, meeting new people. We appreciate our family and friends. We are enjoying each other.
A Trip Back to Lodoni......
We just recently returned from a visit back to Lodoni, our host village, where we lived for two months when we first arrived in Fiji. It took us 2 buses and 4 minibuses to make the 7 hour trip. ( A mini-bus is a van with 15 people stuffed inside and blaring music!! ) Our host family welcomed us with open arms. Losanna Florence, my namesake, had grown. It was great seeing everyone again... but life in Lodoni is hard. There was not an ounce of food in the house. The little tin houses seemed hot, dirty and sad. The grass needed to be cut, the weeds needed weeding, the floor needed sweeping, the laundry needed to be washed, the dishes needed to be cleaned. Our host MOM is 60 years old, overweight, with high blood pressure. She looked tired and sick. Our host DAD, who prides himself on his health, had back pain. The community volleyball net had been taken down. The Community Hall was empty but showed remnants of last night's grog session. The Church was quiet. There was no soap next to the sink. The legs of the kitchen table were set in water to prevent ants??? It was HOT. There are no playgrounds for children. We brought pencils and notebooks for the children. We brought food. Is there hope for a better life? Do mothers read to their children? Do people have enough to eat? Are people happy?
We fixed lunch and I am glad we had decided not to spend the night. I left sad. It had been four months since our departure. Life in Lodoni for a poor, uneducated woman is very hard. Life for a poor, uneducated woman in Allegany County is hard. I am thankful for my life but what happens to the people of Lodoni????? What happens to the people of Allegany County??? Am I looking at life through my eyes only? Am I expecting a life that is like mine? Are people happy? What exactly is happiness?
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